Language and Cultural Diversity

This committee focuses on developing and facilitating programming that promotes language justice and cultural diversity within the UWC. In addition, they support ongoing writing center education and professional development on supporting writers with various marginalized identities in ways that are inclusive and equitable.

Our goals

  • Develop. promote, and facilitate interactive in-class and in-center events and workshops for the campus community
  • Develop and facilitate ongoing professional development in the area of language and cultural diversity for UWC staff members
  • Conduct research that informs consultants about techniques and strategies for implementing writing center pedagogies that support language diversity and multiple identity positions
  • Learn about other units on campus that support students so that we can educate our staff about other resources to share with students such as Adaptive Educational Services, Program of Intensive English, English for Academic Purposes, ESL Tutoring Center, Office of International Affairs, CAPS, Student Advocacy, and the Multicultural Center.

Signature Programming

Workshops develop student engagement and awareness with writing and with the complicated social, political, emotional, and political implications of writing. Events often held by the UWC include the Difficult Conversations Social Justice Book Club, which is facilitated by members of the LCD committee.