Graduate Student Day of Scholarship

Graduate Day of Scholarship

Thursday, April 20, 2023

11 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Campus Center

The IU School of Liberal Arts will host the *second annual* Graduate Day of Scholarship on Thursday, April 20, from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. in the Campus Center on IUPUI’s campus. Students from the IU School of Liberal Arts and the IU Lilly School of Philanthropy will have the opportunity to present their scholarship as a paper or poster, receive feedback on their work, and network with faculty and fellow students. In addition to student presentations, the GDOS will feature a CV workshop staffed by graduate faculty and staff, an informational panel session about services available to grad students on campus, and a grad student-filled panel to discuss succeeding as a grad student.

All are welcome and encouraged to attend!

*All events will take place in Campus Center, 3rd Floor south (rooms 306, 307, 308, 310)*

10:30 a.m.Registration Opens
Location: Campus center room 307
Snacks, water, and coffee available throughout the day
11:00 a.m. - NoonPaper Presentation Session 1 (Choose One)
Location: CE 306Location: CE 308
Paper Panel #1
Ethics – Health – Education
Paper Panel #2
Narrating a Mixed Methods Approach to Identity
The Ethical Debate Over The Use of Newly Deceased Emergency Department Patients to Train Medical Procedures
Kelsey Byers
Discourse Analysis and College Admission Essays: Comparing Burmese Americans and Americans
Alice Mawi
Mothers of Daughters With Eating Disorders: How Cultural Standards Influence Communication Efficacy Surrounding Diet and Body Image
Chloe Broeker
(Communication Studies)

Exploring English as a Second Language: Program Development for Families in a K-12 Context
Megan Singh
100 Years of Tracking Religious Giving: The Impact of Definitional and Methodological Constraints
Ronnie Plasters
David King, Thad Austin

Racial Equity in Foundations: A Pilot Study Exploring Private Foundations’ Internal “Equity Work”
Catherine Luce
Noon - 1 p.m.Poster Session - Presenters are available at their posters to discuss their work
Location: CE 307Location: CE 307
Poster # 1

Locked Out: Barriers to Higher Education for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals
Meghan Meadows
Heather Sturgill
Poster # 2

Reclaiming the Legacy: Black Women, Grassroots Activism, and Resistance: An Ethnographic Study
Kayla Allen-Brown
(American Studies)
1 - 2 p.m.Paper Presentation Session 2 (Choose One)
Location: CE 306Location: CE 306
Paper Panel # 3
Leadership Across
Conflict Lines
Paper Panel # 4
Life in the Margins
The Impact of Intersectional Representation of Board and Staff on Grant Allocation in Community Foundations
Yue Ming
Memorialization of the Marginalized: Investigating Race, Heritage, and Memory at Central State Mental Hospital   
Shauna Keith
(American Studies)
“Cutting Through the Red Tape for the Community”: Stephen Goldsmith, Neoliberal Communitarianism, & Urban Politics in the 1990s
Cale Erwin
(American Studies)
Potawatomi Nationhood and the Diversity of Diplomacy in the Post War of 1812 Central Great Lakes
John Peyton
Financial self-sustainability among Ugandan nongovernmental organizations.
Dennis Kilama
“Mormon Nightmares”: Remembering and Forgetting the 1838 Hawn’s Mill Massacre in Missouri History Books
Ariana Cieslak
2 - 3 p.m.Concurrent Professional Development Sessions
Location: CE 306Location: CE 308Location: CE 310
Walk-in CV WorkshopGrad Chat: Succeeding as a Graduate StudentCampus Resource Panel

We are so looking forward to learning about the phenomenal scholarship being done by our graduate students and to celebrating their hard work!

Special thanks to the Graduate Day of Scholarship Planning Committee!

Jake Watson, PhD Student, Department of Communication Studies (
Katie Plank, MA Student, Museum Studies (
Keeley Higley, MA Student, Department of Communication Studies, (
Meman Diaby, MS Student, Economics, (
Dom Gregory, PhD Student, Economics, (
Colleen Williamson, MS Student, History/Library Science, (
Katy Head, Associate Professor, Department of Communication Studies (