Minor in Chinese Studies

Enhance any major by learning the most widely spoken language—Chinese

Maybe you enjoy Chinese food and want to experience the cuisine more fully. Or perhaps you want to delve into 5,000 years of Chinese history. Picking up a minor in the Chinese language can help you experience a fascinating world of culture and more.

Requirements for Minor

To earn a minor in Chinese Studies, you must complete:

  • 15 credits toward the Chinese minor with a grade of C or better.
  • a minimum of three (3) credits in Chinese language at the 200-level or above.
  • a minimum of three (3) credits in Chinese culture at the 300-level or above.
  • at least nine credits are taken at IUPUI.
  • The online declaration form.

Course Options

EALC C 201-202 Second-Year Chinese I-II (3 cr.)
EALC C 301-302 Third-Year Chinese I-II (3 cr.)
EALC C 320 Business Chinese (3 cr.)
EALC C 401-402 Fourth-Year Chinese I-II (3 cr.)
OVST C 490 Study Abroad in China (4 cr.)
EALC-E232 China Past and Present: Culture in Continuing Evolution (3 cr.)
EALC-E282 East Asian Calligraphy (3 cr.)
EALC-E301 Chinese Language and Culture (3 cr.)
EALC E 331 Traditional Chinese Literature (3 cr.)
EALC E 333 Studies in Chinese Cinema (3 cr.)
EALC E334 Contemporary Chinese Cinema (3 cr.)
EALC E 335 Studies in Chinese Martial Arts Culture (3 cr.)
EALC E 351* Studies in East Asian Culture (3 cr.)
EALC E 396 East Asian Culture and Civilization: the I Ching (3 cr.)
EALC E 397 Traditional Chinese Medicine (3 cr.)
HIST G485 Modern China (3cr.)

*Note: E 351(Studies in East Asian Culture) must focus on Chinese culture.

Students cannot double count any course toward the fifteen required credits within the minor.

Other courses may be acceptable with the consultation and approval by the program director of the Chinese language.

More Info

Contact Jing Wang, Director of the Program in Chinese.