Program Collaborations

ICIC partners with Indiana organizations to provide a variety of consultation and training services that support the development of best practices in intercultural communication and TESOL education. ICIC’s rich history in research, and its staff’s extensive background in TESOL, uniquely position us to be able to expertly conduct assessments and develop tailored recommendations and professional development for organizations. Every collaboration is tailored in topics, length, and goals to best fit the needs of the requesting organizations.

More Information

Contact ICIC at or call (1) (317) 274-2555.

Program Spotlight

What does an ICIC program look like “on the ground”? Read on to get a sense of what ICIC can do for you.

In 2019, ICIC was contracted to conduct a detailed analysis of the needs and goals of students, teachers, administrators, and other stakeholders at a local Indianapolis non-profit charter high school with a high population of English language learners. Additionally, ICIC conducted an analysis of the overall context and educational culture and compiled findings and recommendations into an executive report presented to the client. The study is serving as a basis for future professional development at locations throughout Indiana and provides recommendations for curricular innovation and priorities for institutional resources.