
When you are deciding where to live in Indianapolis, consider living with an American host family. This is called a homestay. Homestays can be an affordable option, and it will give you the opportunity to experience daily life in Indianapolis.  

Homestays may be single people or couples, with or without children or pets, young or old. You will have a chance to request the kind of family you would like to live with. Your hosts will help you become comfortable with life in Indianapolis, and you will have a chance to practice English with them every day. Many homestay students form close bonds with their hosts and remain friends after they move on or return home.  

Homestays are arranged by International Homestay Consultants. The application fee is $200.00, and the homestay fee is $175.00 per week. Living with a homestay family is a very affordable option for your time at PIE because your hosts will provide most of your meals. 

Most homestays do not live within walking distance of campus, so you will need to take a city bus to and from campus. As a PIE student, you can purchase a discount monthly bus pass for $30.00. 

To request a homestay, contact, and the PIE will assist you in filling out an application.